AP Courses

Why Should a Student Take an Advanced Placement (AP) Course?


AP enables you to:

  • Stand out in college admission
  • Earn college credit
  • Skip introductory college classes
  • Save money on tuition
  • Build college skills and confidence
  • Explore potential majors based on your interests
  • Turn subjects you love into fulfilling career paths

Multiple studies confirm that students who earn a 3 or higher on an AP Exam:

  1. Perform well in subsequent college courses in the discipline
  2. Are more likely to major in their AP subject or a related discipline, particularly in STEM subjects
  3. Take more—not less—college coursework in the discipline
  4. Are more likely to graduate within four years
  5. Find opportunities that lead to success (especially true of underrepresented students)
Learn more about the research and benefits of taking AP courses from the College Board here.