Attendance Office
Welcome to the Attendance Office!
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
General Email: (please use web form to the right for submitting attendance reports)
Phone: (916) 395-5130, Ext. 508030 or Option 1 after Greeting
Attendance Office FAQs
Below, you will find answers to some of our frequently asked questions.
1) How long do I have to clear an absence?
Two weeks. This includes submitting the online report on a weekend.
2) How can I report an absence?
If your student will be absent from school for any reason, you can clear the absence in one of four ways.
By Email - fill out our webform completely.
By Phone- 916-395-5130 ext. 508030 or pressing option 1 from School Greeting
By Note – MUST include:
- Student’s full legal name
- Date of absence (must be inside body of message)
- Reason for absence
- Guardian’s printed name and signature
- Parent contact number
In Person - at the Attendance Office in the Main Office at Rosemont High School.
3) How can I request an early dismissal?
If your student needs to leave school early for any reason, you can have them dismissed in one of three ways.
In Person (best method) – at the Attendance Office in the Main Office at Rosemont High School. Parents, guardians, or a parent representative (who must be listed on the emergency card or listed in Infinite Campus) will be required to show a valid ID before taking a student off campus.
By Note - Note must include:
- Student’s full legal name
- Date and time of early dismissal (must be inside body of message)
- Reason for early dismissal
- Full legal name of person picking up student, if not guardian.
Parent or guardian printed name and signature
- Parent or guardian contact number
We no longer accept online requests for early dismissals. Early dismissal requests submitted via the absence reporting link are automatically denied.
4) How long does it take once I have submitted a request for an absence to clear?
It can take up to 3-5 school days in peak times. We apologize for the delay. If after 5 school days, you still don’t see the absence cleared, please contact us.
5) My student was marked absent, but was at a school sponsored activity (ex: sport, club event, field trip)
If you have been marked absent due to a sport, extracurricular or other school-sponsored activity, please see the procedure below:
- Please allow 3-5 school days for processing before contacting the school.
- If after 3-5 days the absence is not cleared, you first need to contact your coach, sponsoring staff member or club advisor. The coach, sponsoring staff member or club advisor will need to contact the Attendance Office on your behalf.
- If you do not get a response from your coach, sponsoring staff member or club advisor – contact an administrator for your assistance. The administrator will contact the coach, sponsoring staff member or club advisor and inform them to contact the Attendance Office.
It is school policy that the absence must be cleared by the coach, sponsoring staff member, or club advisor. We cannot accept parent/student requests for correction of this absence type. Any attendance correction form received related to an absence of this type will be automatically denied.
6) My student was marked absent, but wasn’t absent to a class. How do I fix that?
Please inform your student to obtain an Attendance Correction Form located at the Attendance Office window to request changes to absences marked in error. Tardies are not able to be amended unless they are incorrect.